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Learn About Solar Wind Here
[Red] Negative Bz Indicates Geomagnetic Effect
[Blue] Polar Angle (Phi) of the Magnetic Field
[Orange] Avg. Density is 0.1-10 protons
[Purple/Yellow] Avg. Speed is 350-400 km/sec
[Green] Avg. Temp <500,000 K
If a solar eruption is ever ACTUALLY going to affect earth’s power grid, the satellites will be affected first. See the spacecraft hazards charts below:
The 6 charts above are simple. Green is good. Yellow is approaching charging levels. Red is satellite charging hazard. If you see lots of Red here and a KP of 9 following a large solar flare or other solar eruption (and then your internet and power go down) there is a chance the sun has taken it away.
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR) has moved to QuakeWatch.net
The Three D-RAP Charts above show Atmosphere and Ionosphere Effect from Space Weather. Top chart – always show any flare irradiance. Center chart – shows effects at radio blackout levels. The bottom chart – lights up during major events.
Communications Conditions courtesy of www.hamqsl.com/solar.html
Long-Term Solar Progression
This chart is yet another one from Solen.info – it shows the current solar cycle sunspot counts compared to previous cycles.